The Office of the Dean for Research provides extensive support to researchers throughout the funding development process. That assistance starts with helping identify and distribute the most relevant funding opportunities issued by industry, foundations, nonprofit organizations and the federal government. CEFR offers individualized consultation to faculty to address their needs and priorities for research support from industry and foundation partners. We encourage you to contact your strategic research partnership specialist.
Please note: The Office of Research and Project Administration is responsible for compliance and approval of all sponsored research applications prior to submission. Once you are ready to submit a proposal, please check in with ORPA.
We look forward to working with you!
Opportunities Curated for Princeton Researchers
The CEFR team identifies research funding opportunities that are most likely to be relevant to the interests of Princeton faculty, postdocs and graduate students. These curated opportunities can be found in the Princeton Research Funding Gateway and are also distributed through a bi-weekly Funding Announcement digest, distributed through a listserv.
Princeton Research Funding Gateway

The Princeton Research Funding Gateway includes relevant opportunities from industry, foundations, government and nonprofit organizations. It also has information about current internal Princeton funding opportunities from the Andlinger Center, HMEI, CITP, Humanities Council, SPIA, and the Dean for Research. The portal is easy to search based on your interests.
Please contact Maureen Thompson-Siegel if you know of additional opportunities that should be featured or if you would like to discuss future improvements.
More INFO Visit the Gateway
Undergraduate? Visit the student funding site.
Research Funding Newsletter
Approximately twice monthly, CEFR compiles a digest of opportunities recently added to the Gateway. This digest is distributed via listserv. Anyone with a address may be added to the listserv.
Please contact Jill Jahn to let us know of additional opportunities that should be included in the Funding Newsletter.
If you want to be added to the mailing list, contact us at [email protected].
Funding Available from the Dean for Research
Princeton University has internal funds available to support specific research projects. These are managed by several departments and offices across campus.
Please contact Maureen Thompson-Siegel with questions.
Intelispark Consulting: Federal Funding for Startups
Intelispark is a consulting firm that helps startups obtain federal small-business funding. Intelispark is available to provide individualized counseling to Princeton faculty, postdoctoral researchers, and graduate students who are interested in seeking funding through federal grant opportunities, such as the Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs.
For more information and to apply, contact Tony Williams.
Limited Submission Proposals
At Princeton, the Office of the Dean for Research centrally administers “limited submission proposals.” These are funding opportunities in which the funder restricts the number of proposals that may be submitted from Princeton.
Princeton's Process
- CEFR distributes requests for limited proposals or letters of inquiry, along with related submission guidelines and schedules, to the appropriate deans, chairs and directors, as well as to their department, center or institute staff.
- Internal nominations from across Princeton are submitted to the Office of the Dean for Research.
- The Dean for Research, or the Dean of Faculty in the case of humanities proposals, works with faculty review committees to determine which internal nominees, if any, will be approved to apply to the external funding source.
External Resources for Funding Searches
In addition to Princeton’s Funding Opportunity Gateway, Princeton provides access to three external databases, which can be accessed directly below or through the Gateway.
Princeton subscribes to Pivot, an online resource that features funding opportunities from an array of global sponsors and for a variety of purposes, including research, fellowships, travel, equipment, prizes, and more. Pivot allows researchers to find, track, and share funding opportunities aligned with their interests.
Review more information about Pivot for Princeton users.
Please contact Rajiv Hota with questions.
The federal government provides tens of billions in federal funding through 26 funding agencies. is the single access point for most grant programs, and features a free search tool. Note that Princeton is already registered with No additional registration is required.
Foundation Center Directory
The Foundation Center compiles an extensive list of funding opportunities. For full access, visit the Foundation Directory from on-campus computers or via the Princeton University Library collection of Articles and Databases, found under Library Resources.