Your gateway to funding opportunities curated for the Princeton research community

The Princeton Research Funding Gateway makes it easier for Princeton researchers to search for funding.
This portal contains a curated selection of funding opportunities offered by Princeton University, industry, foundations, nonprofit organizations and government. Opportunities are selected for inclusion based on their relevance to the work of Princeton's faculty, postdocs, graduate students and staff. (Princeton undergraduate students should contact the Office of Undergraduate Research for assistance.)
The purple tiles in the top row of the Gateway contain information about the Gateway itself, including a brief “how-to” video; we suggest you take a moment to watch. Also, please assist us in our efforts to continually improve the site by sharing your feedback through the user survey found in that first purple row.
The Gateway is designed to augment staff assistance, not replace it. Please don’t hesitate to contact the SPE, ORPA and ODFR teams for help with your funding search and proposal development. We look forward to working with you!
The Princeton Research Funding Gateway is hosted by the Office of the Dean for Research and curated by the Research Development group. Please contact Maureen Thompson-Siegel if you know of additional opportunities that should be featured or if you would like to discuss future improvements.